Atom v1.40.0-beta0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-07-23 // almost 5 years ago
  • Notable Changes

    • atom/github#2124 - Review comments and summaries are editable in the review tab
    • 🏗 atom/github#2102 - Checks statuses are included in the build status page of a PR item
    • atom/github#2195 - Avoid stalls when opening a branch associated with a PR that has a large (>1MB) patch
    • atom/github#2128 - Show a friendly message when the network isn't available (instead of crashing horribly 🙈), and attempt to reconnect when the network becomes available again
    • atom/atom#19579 - Improve handling of .gitignore edge cases
    • 🚀 atom/atom#17813 - Enable multiple release channels (e.g., Atom, Atom Beta, and Atom Nightly) to be installed side-by-side on Windows
    • ⚡️ atom/atom#19594 - Improve reliability of "restart and install" operation when updating Atom
    • 📜 atom/atom#19556 - Add a new injection point setting to support parsing Rust macros via language injection
    • atom/atom#18738 - Show Tree-sitter grammars in the grammar selector
    • atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized
    • atom/find-and-replace#1095 - Add pcre2 ripgrep option for find-and-replace operations
    • 🚚 atom/language-c#331 - Add noexcept and mutable and remove _Atomic from tree-sitter-cpp
    • atom/language-javascript#650 - Fix auto-indent when the previous line ends with a comment with a quote
    • atom/language-javascript#651 - Allow JS snippets to be used in Flow files
    • atom/language-php#360 - Fix syntax highlighting issue for flexible HEREDOC and NOWDOC in PHP 7.3 All Changes Atom Core v1.39.0...v1.40.0-beta0 atom/atom#19464 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19462 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19460 - ⬆️ [email protected] 0️⃣ atom/atom#19387 - Highlight keyword.operator by default atom/atom#19476 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19396 - autoflow: Do not reflow selections that contain only LaTeX tags ⚡️ atom/atom#19481 - Update language-json atom/atom#19487 - Ensure TextEditorComponent was resized before asserting on its contents atom/atom#19489 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19491 - Do not store null buffers on the cacheStore ⬆️ atom/atom#19469 - Upgrade text-buffer to 13.16.2 atom/atom#19502 - ⬆️ [email protected], [email protected] atom/atom#19503 - Auto-format yaml files atom/atom#19506 - ⬆️ [email protected] ⬆️ atom/atom#19505 - Upgrade [email protected] atom/atom#19509 - ⬆️ [email protected] ⚡️ atom/atom#19504 - Update Node.js version used in CI systems atom/atom#19514 - ⬆️ [email protected] ⚡️ atom/atom#19482 - Update apm to remove node-gyp logic ✅ atom/atom#19523 - Increase timeout for atom-application.test.js on CI 🚀 atom/atom#19513 - Only use AppVeyor on release branches atom/atom#19533 - ⬆️ [email protected] ✅ atom/atom#19525 - Fix flaky test for Project.onDidChangeFiles() atom/atom#19529 - Use organization level templates ⚡️ atom/atom#19531 - Update to Tree-sitter 0.15.5 (with travis build) atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized atom/atom#19538 - Shim tokens in TokenizedLines returned from TreeSitterLanguageMode 🚚 atom/atom#19551 - Remove delays that we no longer need in watch-path tests atom/atom#19552 - ⬆️ [email protected], [email protected] 🏁 atom/atom#19508 - Rely on Azure Pipelines instead of AppVeyor for Windows builds atom/atom#19539 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19555 - Dedupe git-utils dependency 🔒 atom/atom#19534 - Tweak package-lock to avoid loading fs-extra twice on main-process 🚀 atom/atom#19553 - Improve logic to generate nightly release notes atom/atom#19561 - ⬆️ [email protected] 📜 atom/atom#19556 - Add a new injection point setting to support parsing Rust macros via language injection ⚡️ atom/atom#19566 - Update all language packages with Tree-sitter languages 🚀 atom/atom#19569 - Fix generation of release notes for nightly builds ⚡️ atom/atom#19570 - Generate delta nightly updaters for windows atom/atom#19573 - ⬆️ electron-winstaller 👻 atom/atom#19575 - Fix exception when multiple language layers are not yet highlighted 🚀 atom/atom#19576 - Publish nightly releases to atom repo on atom/atom#19577 - Run script/bootstrap for pull requests originated from forks 🐧 atom/atom#19578 - Use a different polkit policy name for each Atom channel on Linux ⬆️ atom/atom#19579 - Upgrade git-utils to 5.6.1 to fix .gitignore edge cases ⬆️ atom/atom#19580 - Upgrade npm on Azure Pipelines when running macOS tests atom/atom#18738 - Show Tree-sitter grammars in grammar selector ⚡️ atom/atom#19586 - Update Tree-sitter to 0.15.6 📄 atom/atom#19590 - fix comment docs atom/atom#19591 - Upload Electron crash reports to Bugsnag via if user has consented to Telemetry ⚡️ atom/atom#19594 - Spawn updated Atom immediately instead of waiting for will-quit event atom/atom#19600 - ⬆️ [email protected] 🐧 atom/atom#19597 - Rely on Azure Pipelines instead of Travis for Linux builds atom/atom#19603 - ⬆️ [email protected] ⚡️ atom/atom#19607 - Send OS version to the autoupdate endpoint atom/atom#19612 - Debounce the resize event handler atom/atom#19618 - Fix issue when ripgrep returns matches that are empty 👍 atom/atom#19615 - Add ripgrep pcre2 search support atom/atom#19622 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19625 - ⬆️ [email protected] 📚 atom/atom#19602 - Update getInvisibles documentation 🚀 atom/atom#17813 - Enable multiple release channels to be installed side-by-side on Windows atom/atom#19675 - Use the correct executable name on the code signing tool 🏁 atom/atom#19676 - Do not depend on CONFIG.executableName on the windows tests atom/atom#19678 - Calculate correctly the nupkg filenames when uploading artifacts ⬆️ atom/atom#19673 - Upgrade apm ⬆️ atom/atom#19681 - Upgrade GitHub package on dev bracket-matcher v0.91.0...v0.91.1 atom/bracket-matcher#386 - Tweak syntax tree range query to work w/ new Tree-sitter find-and-replace v0.218.12...v0.219.0 🚚 atom/find-and-replace#1079 - Remove async test helpers ✅ atom/find-and-replace#1090 - Try fixing flaky tests in results-view-spec.js ✅ atom/find-and-replace#1091 - Construct ResultsView directly to fix some flaky tests atom/find-and-replace#1093 - Overhaul height invalidation atom/find-and-replace#1095 - Add pcre2 ripgrep option github v0.29.0...v0.30.0 atom/github#2133 - Always create a pull request for schema changes ⚡️ atom/github#2136 - GraphQL schema update 🏗 atom/github#2102 - Include the Checks API in build status atom/github#2109 - Bump node-fetch from 2.3.0 to 2.5.0 🚀 atom/github#2131 - Add issues and pull requests to the current release project 🔨 atom/github#2147 - tab styling refactor atom/github#2150 - ⬆️ react + react-dom atom/github#2128 - Improve error handling when offline ✅ atom/github#2151 - Bump @atom/mocha-test-runner from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 🔌 atom/github#2152 - Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.4.0 to 7.4.4 atom/github#2153 - Bump @babel/generator from 7.4.0 to 7.4.4 atom/github#2124 - Make review comments editable ⚡️ atom/github#2154 - GraphQL schema update atom/github#2155 - Bump codecov from 3.3.0 to 3.5.0 atom/github#2156 - Bump node-fetch from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 atom/github#2158 - Bump keytar from 4.4.1 to 4.7.0 atom/github#2159 - Bump nyc from 14.0.0 to 14.1.1 atom/github#2167 - Bump graphql from 14.2.1 to 14.3.1 ⚡️ atom/github#2171 - GraphQL schema update atom/github#2186 - Bump keytar from 4.7.0 to 4.10.0 ⚡️ atom/github#2177 - GraphQL schema update atom/github#2199 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.4.3 to 7.5.4 ⚡️ atom/github#2200 - GraphQL schema update 🔒 atom/github#2201 - [Security] Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 ✅ atom/github#2202 - Test runner bump atom/github#2205 - Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 in /actions/schema-up atom/github#2195 - Avoid stalls caused by large diffs fetched from GitHub ⚡️ atom/github#2210 - GraphQL schema update spell-check v0.74.5...v0.75.0 atom/spell-check#309 - ⬆️ [email protected] language-c v0.60.17...v0.60.18 🚚 atom/language-c#331 - Added noexcept and mutable, removed _Atomic from tree-sitter-cpp language-javascript v0.130.0...v0.132.0 atom/language-javascript#650 - Fix auto-indent when the previous line ends with a comment with a quote atom/language-javascript#651 - Allow JS snippets to be used in Flow files language-php v0.44.1...v0.44.2 atom/language-php#352 - begin -> match atom/language-php#360 - Fixing syntax highlighting issue for flexible HEREDOC and NOWDOC in PHP 7.3