Atom v1.41.0-beta0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-13 // over 4 years ago
  • Notable Changes

    • ⬆️ #19373 - Upgrade to Electron 4
    • 💎 #19754 - Improve syntax highlighting for numerous Ruby language constructs (atom/language-ruby#266, atom/language-ruby#267, atom/language-ruby#269) All Changes Atom Core v1.40.0...v1.41.0-beta0 ⬆️ atom/atom#19681 - Upgrade GitHub package on dev ⬆️ atom/atom#19373 - Upgrade to Electron 4 🐧 atom/atom#19617 - Restore use of Ubuntu 14.04 for Linux CI builds atom/atom#19726 - Only cover scope boundaries in the parent layer if there is a scope boundary in the injected layer atom/atom#19735 - Use class colors for inherited classes in One syntax themes atom/atom#19738 - Avoid covering up scopes at boundaries of injection layers atom/atom#19740 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19754 - ⬆️ [email protected] 👍 atom/atom#13925 - add support for jasmine.any atom/atom#19757 - ⬆️ [email protected] 🍱 atom/atom#19763 - 🔥 Remove unused TimeReporter class notifications v0.70.6...v0.71.0 🌲 atom/notifications#180 - Clear log 💎 language-ruby v0.72.17...v0.72.20 💎 atom/language-ruby#266 - Allow numerals in all-caps constants 💎 atom/language-ruby#267 - Add scopes for a number of items. 💎 atom/language-ruby#269 - Tokenize visibility modifier in Tree-sitter grammar language-shellscript v0.27.12...v0.28.0 👍 atom/language-shellscript#149 - Support ANSII-C escaped strings in Bash