Genesis v2.7.17 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-10-21 // over 3 years ago
  • Pipeline Improvements

    ➕ Added pipeline.task.privilege in ci.yml, which allows you to provide a
    🚀 list of evironments that will run the bosh_deploy task in privileged mode
    🚀 (which may be needed when deploying proto-BOSH environments). See
    👷 for more

    👍 Allow genesis to create and authenticate to safe targets, which is used in
    🔧 the pipeline to target the vault specified in the configuration.

    👍 Allow genesis to reauthenticate to safe after a long-running bosh deployment
    🚀 so it can store the updates to the deployment's exodus data.

    ➕ Add auto-update to pipeline

    ⚡️ This creates a genesis-updates group that contains a job that is
    🚀 triggered when a new verison of the kit is released, and will update the
    🚀 kit version in the deployment repo, and embed the latest version of
    ✅ genesis if not at the latest version.

    It will then commit these changes, which will trigger the primary
    pipeline for the repo to progress through the various environments.

    ⚡️ The block in ci.yml, requires a file key to specify
    which file contains the kit.version entry. More details can be found in
    📄 docs/

    ➕ Adds pipeline.git.commits map entry to ci.yml, that can contain
    user_name and user_email keys for specifying the user name and email
    🚀 when the pipeline makes commits to the deployment repo. Defaults to
    'Concourse Bot' and 'concourse@pipeline' respectively.

    ➕ Add a safe "dry-run" on notifications to identify what changes will be
    🚀 deployed on the pending environment. This is different that bosh deploy --dry-run in that it doesn't alter the director's databases, nor upload
    🚀 releases, and it identifies changes in credhub values (but doesn't leak them
    🌲 to the output log)

    Other Improvements

    👌 Support auto-authenticate with Safe.

    ⏱ As a side effect of enabling pipelines to re-authenticate after timeout,
    👉 users can now set environment variables to automatically authenticate with
    their safe. The environment variables are VAULT_AUTH_TOKEN for token
    👉 authentication, VAULT_USERNAME and VAULT_PASSWORD for userpass
    authentication, and VAULT_GITHUB_TOKEN for authenticating with a Github
    Personal Access Token.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Vault detection fix to allow conditions when no vault is available (a valid
      condition for some Genesis sub-commands)


    ⚡️ If you are still specifying stemcell update information in your ci.yml
    🔧 configuration, you will need to remove it. It has not been supported for many
    🚀 releases, but this release removes it validity.

    ⚡️ Dependency Updates

    • Safe bumped to v1.5.8