Gitkube v0.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-05-25 // almost 6 years ago
  • 🔄 Changelog

    • 📄 Introduces gitkube CLI for easier installation and managing remotes [docs]
    • 👌 Support applying manifests: k8s yamls or helm charts [k8s docs] [helm docs]


    Using Gitkube CLI

    Install Gitkube CLI:

    👉 Use Gitkube CLI to install Gitkube on the cluster:

    gitkube install

    Using kubectl

    kubectl create -f gitkubed servicekubectl --namespace kube-system expose deployment gitkubed --type=LoadBalancer --name=gitkubed

    ⚡️ Updating existing installation

    ⚡️ Execute the following commands to update existing Gitkube installation to the latest version:

    kubectl -n kube-system set-image deployment/gitkubed sshd=hasura/gitkubed:v0.2.0 kubectl -n kube-system set-image deployment/gitkube-controller controller=hasura/gitkube-controller:v0.2.0