octoDNS v0.9.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-05-21 // almost 6 years ago
  • 🔔 NOTICE

    Using this version on existing records with geo will result in ✅ recreating all health checks. This process has been tested pretty thoroughly to ⬆️ try and ensure a seemless upgrade without any traffic shifting around. It's ⚡️ probably best to take extra care when updating and to try and make sure that 👀 all health checks are passing before the first sync with --doit. See #67 for more information.

    • ⚡️ Major update to geo healthchecks to allow configuring host (header), path, protocol, and port #67
    • SSHFP algorithm type 4
    • 👍 NS1 and DNSimple support skipping unsupported record types
    • 💅 Revert back to old style setup.py & requirements.txt, setup.cfg was causing too much pita