
Code Quality Rank: L5
Programming language: Python
License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Tags: Monitoring     System     Networking     Logging    
Latest version: v0.6.2

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psdash is a system information web dashboard for linux using data mainly served by psutil - hence the name.


  • Overview Dashboard overview of the system displaying data on cpu, disks, network, users, memory, swap and network.
  • Processes List processes (top like) and view detailed process information about each process.

    Apart from a detailed process overview this is also available for each process:

    • Open files
    • Open connections
    • Memory maps
    • Child processes
    • Resource limits
  • Disks List info on all disks and partitions.

  • Network List info on all network interfaces and the current throughput. System-wide open connections listing with filtering. Somewhat like netstat.

  • Logs Tail and search logs. The logs are added by patterns (like /var/log/*.log) which are checked periodically to account for new or deleted files.

  • Multi-node/Cluster Support for multiple agent nodes that is either specified by a config or will register themselves on start-up to a common psdash node that runs the web interface.

  • All data is updated automatically, no need to refresh

The GUI is pretty much a modified bootstrap example as I'm no designer at all. If you got a feel for design and like to improve the UI parts of psdash, please create a pull request with your changes. It would be much appreciated as there's much room for improvements.


Make sure your system is able to build Python C extensions. On Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu this should translate to installing the build-essential and python-dev packages using apt-get:

# apt-get install build-essential python-dev

And on RHEL (Fedora, CentOS etc.) distributions:

# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum install python-devel

Installation using pip: $ pip install psdash

Since pip 1.5.1 you are forced to add --allow-external argparse since the latest argparse is hosted on google code.

Installation from source: $ python setup.py install

Getting started

Starting psdash: $ psdash

Starting a psdash agent: $ psdash -a --register-to [http|https]://[host]:[port] --register-as my-agent-node

This will start psdash in agent mode and try to register the node to the main psdash node pointed to by the --register-to option. An agent node will setup an RPC server rather than a webserver at the host and port specified by -p/--port and -b/--bind respectively. The main psdash node (serving HTTP) will present a list of registered nodes that are available to switch between.

Available command-line arguments:

$ psdash --help
usage: psdash [-h] [-l path] [-b host] [-p port] [-d] [-a]
              [--register-to host:port] [--register-as name]

psdash [version] - system information web dashboard

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l path, --log path   log files to make available for psdash. Patterns (e.g.
                        /var/log/**/*.log) are supported. This option can be
                        used multiple times.
  -b host, --bind host  host to bind to. Defaults to (all interfaces).
  -p port, --port port  port to listen on. Defaults to 5000.
  -d, --debug           enables debug mode.
  -a, --agent           Enables agent mode. This launches a RPC server, using
                        zerorpc, on given bind host and port.
  --register-to host:port
                        The psdash node running in web mode to register this
                        agent to on start up. e.g
  --register-as name    The name to register as. (This will default to the
                        node's hostname)


psdash uses the configuration handling offered by Flask. The configuration file pointed to by the environment varible PSDASH_CONFIG will be read on startup. e.g: $ PSDASH_CONFIG=/home/user/config.py psdash

In addition to the built-in configuration values that comes with Flask there's a number of psdash specific ones as well:

Name Description
PSDASH_AUTH_USERNAME When this value and PSDASH_AUTH_PASSWORD is set, Basic Authentication will be enabled with the provided credentials. The username of the basic authentication
PSDASH_AUTH_PASSWORD The password of the basic authentication
PSDASH_ALLOWED_REMOTE_ADDRESSES If this is set, only provided ip addresses will be allowed to access psdash. Addresses is separated by a comma. e.g: PSDASH_ALLOWED_REMOTE_ADDRESSES = ","
PSDASH_URL_PREFIX This can be used to make psdash serve from a non-root location. e.g: PSDASH_URL_PREFIX = "/psdash" would make psdash serve it's pages from /psdash
PSDASH_LOG_LEVEL The log level set for psdash (passed in to logging.basicConfig). Defaults to logging.INFO.
PSDASH_LOG_LEVEL The log format set for psdash (passed in to logging.basicConfig). *Defaults to `%(levelname)s
PSDASH_NODES A list of psDash agent nodes (a dict per node) to register on startup. e.g [{'name': 'mywebnode', 'host': '', 'port': 5000}]
PSDASH_NET_IO_COUNTER_INTERVAL The interval in seconds to update the counters used for calculating network traffic. Defaults to 3.
PSDASH_LOGS_INTERVAL The interval in seconds to reapply the log patterns to make sure that file-system changes are applied (log files being created or removed). Defaults to 60.
PSDASH_REGISTER_INTERVAL The interval in seconds to register the agent to the host psdash node. This is done periodically to be able to determine if any node has gone away and at what time. Defaults to 60
PSDASH_LOGS Log patterns to apply at startup. e.g ['/var/log/*.log']. To override this option using the command-line use the -l/--log arg option.
PSDASH_REGISTER_TO When running in agent mode, this is used to set which psdash node to register the agent node to. e.g
PSDASH_REGISTER_AS When running in agent mode, this is used to set the name to register as to the host psdash node specified by PSDASH_REGISTER_TO.
PSDASH_HTTPS_KEYFILE Path to the SSL key file to use to enable starting the psdash webserver in HTTPS mode. e.g /home/user/private.key
PSDASH_HTTPS_CERTFILE Path to the SSL certificate file to use to enable starting the psdash webserver in HTTPS mode. e.g /home/user/certificate.crt
PSDASH_ENVIRON_WHITELIST If set, only the env vars in this list will be displayed with value. e.g ['HOME']


Overview: [Overview](docs/screenshots/overview.png) Listing processes: [Processes](docs/screenshots/processes.png) Overview of a process: [Process overview](docs/screenshots/process_overview.png) Connections of a process: [Process connections](docs/screenshots/process_connections.png) Environment of a process: [Process environment](docs/screenshots/process_environment.png) Network: [Network](docs/screenshots/network.png) Disks: [Network](docs/screenshots/disks.png) Tailing a log: [Log](docs/screenshots/log.png) Searching a log: [Log search](docs/screenshots/log_search.png)


Released under CC0 (Public Domain Dedication).


*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the psdash README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.