Pulumi v0.17.28 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-05 // over 4 years ago
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ Retry renaming a temporary folder during plugin installation #3008

    • โž• Add support for additional Pulumi secrets providers using AWS KMS, Azure KeyVault, Google Cloud KMS and HashiCorp Vault. These secrets providers can be configured at stack creation time using pulumi stack init b --secrets-provider="awskms://alias/LukeTesting?region=us-west-2", and ensure that all encrypted data associated with the stack is encrypted using the target cloud platform encryption keys. This augments the previous choice between using the app.pulumi.com-managed secrets encryption or a fully-client-side local passphrase encryption. #2994

    • โž• Add Output.concat to Python SDK #3006

    • โž• Add requireOutput to StackReference #3007

    • Arbitrary values can now be exported from a Python app. This includes dictionaries, lists, class instances, and the like. Values are treated as "plain old python data" and generally kept as simple values (like strings, numbers, etc.) or the simple collections supported by the Pulumi data model (specifically, dictionaries and lists).

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix get_secret in Python SDK always returning None.

    • ๐Ÿ”€ Make pulumi.runtime.invoke synchronous in the Python SDK #3019

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix a bug in the Python SDK that caused input properties that are coroutines to be awaited twice. #3024


    • ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecated functions in @pulumi/pulumi will now issue warnings if you call them. Please migrate off of these functions as they will be removed in a future release. The deprecated functions are.
      1. function computeCodePaths(extraIncludePaths?: string[], ...). Use the computeCodePaths overload that takes a CodePathOptions instead.
      2. function serializeFunctionAsync. Please use serializeFunction instead.