Shield v8.4.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-29 // over 4 years ago
  • 👌 Improvements

    • ➕ Added a /v2/mbus/status API endpoint that returns metrics about the state of
      the event message bus. This allows for some introspection into what websocket
      connections may be doing at that moment.
    • 💻 The UI now has less wasted space when displaying a bunch of cards for data
    • 🔧 Implemented a configurable timeout when making SSH connections to agents. A
      0️⃣ lower default now also keeps dead agents from taking up large amounts of
      ⏱ scheduler worker time.
    • SHIELD now tracks when the last time an agent erred was.
    • 💻 Hidden agents are now sorted under a separate header in the web UI.
    • Hiding, showing, and deleting agents can now be done from the CLI.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • We no longer leak the file descriptors and goroutines for detached websocket
    • 👷 Workers can no longer be starved out when sending events to the message bus
      if the receiver of the message bus is misbehaving because these event sends
      are now asynchronous.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where a worker could derefence a nil pointer when certain
      database selects returned no rows.
    • The database layer now has more stringent locking, which both avoids certain
      threads locking each other out in SQLite, and also makes certain series of
      database operations effectively atomic.
    • A couple of fixups would deadlock themselves out of the database and prevent
      🛠 fixups from actually running. Now they don't.
    • 🛠 Fixups now only run once instead of on every startup, like nature intended.
    • ⚡️ The agent "Last Checked At" timestamp was being updated when the task was
      ⏱ pulled off the scheduler, whether or not the agent was actually checked
      (due to other potential errors).
    • Named a fixup without a name.
    • Agents that failed their status checks are now once again marked as such.