Shinken v0.6 Release Notes

Release Date: 2011-05-03 // almost 13 years ago
  • ✨ ENHANCEMENTS * Add: discovery script and rule engine * Enh: lot of code clean from Gregory Starck, big Thanks :) * Add: manage several brokers by realm * Add: LiveStatus Wait commands * Add: Recevier daemon, for distributed realms in distant LAN * Add: passive poller for DMZ management * Add: (David Guenault) a way for people that install shinken lib in non standard place (like /opt) to get it working for python path. * Add: poller and reactionner modules * Add: nrpe poller module for tuning nrpe calls without having to 'forks' * Add: human_timestamp_log option so the log will output time as human readable format. * Add: make the local log rotate with the logging module, max keep file at 5. * Add: the crash catching in the log for all daemons * Add: enable by default local log, should be enable by default, and if the admin want it down, he can. * Add: (Eric Beaulieu) Windows installation script * Add: Thte configuration is read as UTF8 * Add: round robin dispatching way between the worker of a module for the satellites. * Add: set a check_interval to satellites, so we do not try every second to ping them, each a minute is quite enouth. * Add: sending USR1 do a memory dump of the daemon * Add: Manage Pyro4.2 and higer. * Add: manage no notification period for hosts and services * Add: print the sleep_time as a load average, so will smooth in one minute average, so is a good scheduler load indicator * Add: force LANG=us and UTF8 in init scripts. No sense admin can set another langage for system and hope for tools to work. * Add: print the latencies for scheduler in 95percentile way * Add: when a hook point failed set the module to restart, not to kill, even external ones * Add: support for multisite's double-requests (extcmd+query) to the livestatus module * Add: now the nagios.cmd named pipe reading is an external module * Add: statistics for the livestatus module (multisite needs it) * Add: retention modules for broker and arbiter * Add: reationner tag, like poller tag, but for reactionner * Add: (Denis GERMAIN) check_shinken plugin and interface in the arbiter to get data. * Add: (Rémi BUISSON) common init script for easy launch * Add: + in libexec. * Add: hot poller addition commands * Add: automatic VMware host-> VM dependencies modules, with VMotion support * Add: "Unknown phase", so limit useless notifications

    🛠 FIXES * Fix:the livestatus module so that multiple external commands in one request are possible. (thruk uses this for mass operations) * Fix:the livestatus, so that host_name and service_description are shown correctly for downtiems and comments. * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) for python2.7, if shell launch, do not go in shlex split pass. * Fix: catch an exception when deregistering Pyro. (When the scheduler was started as the only process and no communication happened * Fix: Add the path of the current script (ex: bin/shinken-arbiter) and ".." to the list of paths where Python looks for shinken modules. * Fix: default config had duplicate command name define: check_http * Fix: clean Command(s) now subclass Item(s) as any "shinken.objects" * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) if a hostgroup member got no host defined, create a dummy service for no host, so failed. * Fix: bad UTC hour for scheduler. * Fix: in a rare case, the picle need to call the init of notification before the get_state, but it will call it without args. * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) bad hostdep definition (link host) was badly detected. * Fix: utf8 management in the db class. * Fix: the * member was wrong in service calling hostgroup of this kind. * Fix: the schedule immediate check now work without having to force it. * Fix: correct the check launch under python2.7 with utf8 char. * Fix: (reported by: Denis GERMAIN) set by default retention update inverval to 60 minutes. * Fix: bad sys.path management for ndo module * Fix: too much loop in daemons! do_loop_tunr must WAIT a little! To managed in the main_loop part I think. * Fix: if the scheduler gotthe same conf but got a wait a new one before, it do a zombie scheduler then.... * Fix: (reported by: Hienz Michael) do not close local file in the daemon pass. * Fix: (Raynald de Lahondès) for bsd systems. * Fix: service without host will be just droped, like Nagios. * Fix: Nagios allow elements without contacts. Do alike. * Fix: add protection against adding again and again the same actions ifthe scheduler ask it, like for orphaned checks. * Fix: sys.path management, not far more clear and error proof * Fix: (reported by: capibaru) add a strip pass before loading cfg files. * Fix: raise only one log for orphaned instead of xK useless logs. * Fix: (Venelin Petkov) missing customs on services copy of a based one (multiple hosts, hostgroups, etc) * Fix: (reported by: Ronny Lindner) manage the not host expressions for services.