Shinken v0.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2011-10-17 // over 12 years ago
    * Add: WebUI broker module. More info in the UI changelog part.
    * Add: (by: Vincent Riquer) no_event_handlers_during_downtimes parameter to choose between nagios and shinken behavior to (not) run event handlers during a downtime.
    * Add: added RUN var relocation in shinken default file
    * Add: support for serviceextinfo
    * Add: support for hostextinfo
    * Add: a workdir parameter in the nagios.cfg file for set the arbiter working directory
    * Add: modules for modules. Will be useful for the global configuration in the WebUI (it's a module, but will need additonnal modules)
    * Add: alternative installation method in contrib
    * Add: shinken-admin command that can connect to an arbiter and ask daemons status.
    * Add: discovery runners timeout parameter. Set by default at one hour.
    * Add: rename criticity into business_impact for hosts and services. Criticity is automatically mapped into business_impact in the configuration reading, and rename min_criticity into min_business_impact for contacts and notifways. And keep a mapping for old conf.
    * Add: if set to 0, min_workers will set the pollers/reactionners to use ALL cpus of the server.
    * Add: business modulation objects.
    * Add: new tests for A,B,Cof: rules and a fix for the default return logic.
    * Add: arbiter ask one a check_interval the managed conf for satellites. Makes for smoother decisions.
    * Fix: BugFix Pyro4 compatibility
    * fix: try to fix bad notification output make scehduler crash.
    * Fix: (Seb-Solon) catch incomplet service group members
    * Fix: bad message for arbiter in HA without host_name value.
    * Fix: (reported by: fraggod): inline comment in boolean cause an arbiter crash when lookup conf.
    * Fix: (reported by titilambert) bug about linkify and templates, so need to clean search lists after remove templates.
    * Fix: (reported by Vincent Riquer ) Pyro got problem in connect() and so need a low socket timeout by default.
    * Fix: (reported by: grim) manage flap_detection_enabled and enable_flap_detection
    * Fix: when disable active check was done, the pending check was still executed, so the effect was not immediate. Now we change it as a dumym check with curretn value the value of the host/service.
    * Fix: where the config setting log_external_commands was ignored
    * Fix: (reported by: obiouane) missing object value is now reported correctly.
    * Fix: (Etienne Obriot) multiple = in macos values
    * Fix: a bug in where resource macros containing a "=" were not correctly processed. Thanks Etienne
    * Fix: (reported by Seb-Solon) custome macros get problems in notifications.
    * Fix: (reported by: Michael Grundmann) a service for a void hostgroup and a host exclusion was reporting a bad conf instead if forgot this service.
    * Fix: (Reported by: Dirk Hallanzy) was not launching under XP due to some pid file creation bad mode.
    * Fix: (reported by: Vincent Riquer) now a spare broker can be send to sleep again by the arbiter. It will clean its queues and stop modules.
    * Fix: arbiter crash with a spare and the new smoothing wat i managed behavior.
    * Fix: Change default check/eventhandler/notification timeouts and flap thresholds to make nagios more compatible to shinken.
    * fix: Better handling of check timeouts (there was an empty output)
    * fix: Log notification and eventhandler timeouts
    * Fix: (reported by: Denis GERMAIN) service with no description cause a host problem in linking phase.
    * Fix: (reported by: Seb-Solon) manage utf8 in host and service perfdata.
    * Fix: protect broker agains module taht ask for full instance init about unknown scheduler.
    * Fix: (reported by Markus Elger) add next schedule date in the retention data.
    * Fix: (reported by: Olivier Hanesse) bad realm configuration was not detected for satellites.
    * Fix: (reported by:Markus Elger) bad host count in realms.
    * Fix: (reported by:Markus Elger) bad host reaml conf were not detected.
    * Add: module for autotagging poller_tag from a custom macro.
    * Add: create the simple-log archive dir automatically if it doesn't exist
    * Add: Initial import of the thrift broker with a sample client in python
    * Add: Initial import of TSCA, Thrift Service Check Acceptor
    * Add: Module arbiter load all configuration from GLPI (plugin monitoring) bywebservice
    * Add: a new module to import configuration data (hosts/services) from a MySQL database
    * NDO/MySQL:
    * Add: current_notification_number in the ndo module.
    * Add: last_notification in ndo module.
    * Add: last_state_change to the ndo module.
    * Add: add the is_flapping data to broks and update teh ndo module so it update the value.
    * Add: percent_state_change as check_result brok and in the ndo module.
    * Add: Derive the archives filenames from the main livestatus db
    * Add: Rewrite the livestatus sqlite code. Now there is one database file with logging events for each day.
    *!!: If you have a huge livestatus.db it is recommended to stop shinken and run the script contrib/livestatus/
    * Add: the livestatus sqlite db will now be opened in do_start() instead of init(). Now only the livestatus process has an open filehandle. (the main broker process had one too)
    * Add: Make the livestatus socket world read/writable
    * Add: the REUSEADDR flag to livestatus's socket. Thanks Olivier Hanesse
    * Add: performance improvement for livestatus queries with Limit:
    * Fix: important bugfix in ncpdmod
    * Fix: Livestatus path database
    * Fix: string comparison for livestatus. None is equivalent to empty string
    * Fix: collumn name change in merlin ds.
    * Fix: (reported by: Seb-Solon) bad contact group insert in objects in NDO
    * Fix: (reported by: seb-solon) bad contact group id in NDO
    * Fix: (seb-solon) ndo contacts were not registered with the good id.
    * Fix: add the flap_detection_enabled in the ndo status tables too. (I love duplicate data...)
    * Fix: the ndo module with is_flapping value for update states.
    * Fix: (reported by: Ronny Lindner & Markus Elger) LiveStatus crash in log parsing.
    * Fix: (reported by: Ronny Lindner) fix status.dat module with utf8 characters
    * Fix: (reported by: Olivier Hanesse) nrpe module did not tag the check_time value for checks, and so pnp and other tools were not happy. BP rules were alike.
    * Fix: (reported by Markus Elger) LiveStatus module did not clean previously added elements before recreating them.
    * Add: Andreas to main contributors :)
    * Add: welcome text and error text in the login page.
    * Add: make appears on the dep graph only interesting elements, so near the root or hosts or service in real problems. Far more redable with huge conf.
    * Add: default http backend auto, so if a better one (paste, cehrrypy) is founded, use it instead of the simple swsgi.
    * Add: less info in the detail page, with a moee button for rarely used infos.
    * Add: dock effect for actions buttons on /problems.
    * Add: /system page with satellites info in it.
    * Add: search form in the problems page, with autocompletion. Search problems and impacts names too.
    * Add: new way of handling cookies. Now it's a crypted way, and so stateless. Needto remove all session file thing so.
    * Add: in cfg file password for users, or AD or apache passwd file
    * Add: AD module that will get user photos from Ldap.
    * Add: icon sets: network_service, servers., disk, database
    * Add: gesture management for the detail page.
    * Add: parallax effect in the top right banner to see huge impacts
    * Add: make known bad nodes shown in the dep tree, so the admin don't even have to expand and find the bad thing that cause him a problem. Lasy admin mdoe on :)
    * Add: swtich buttons for ths hostdetail page for enable/disable things.
    * Add: if you change host topology (new dependency like fror VMotion), the UI is updated too.