Shinken v2.4.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-03-10 // about 8 years ago
        Add: First version for a online profiling system, not enabled currently
        CORE FIXES
        Fix: Fix missing Services/Hosts in Livestatus (Close #1691)
        Fix: initial_state mapping for hosts
        Fix: Fix duration when a parent is down (Close #1779)
        Add: Better logging for regenerator
        Enh: HTML mail notifications fix and improvements
        Enh: Change TCP Connect scan to TCP Syn scan with nmap for discovery features
        Enh: Various Documentation 

Previous changes from v2.4.2

        Add: Service excludes/includes/overrides extension
        Add: Implementation of inital_state
        Add: Broks when host/service downtime is scheduled
        Add: Solaris SMF manifests
        Enh: Allow white space between foreach elements
        Enh: Increase default http thread_pool to 16
        CORE FIXES
        Fix: Duplicate Service from template using duplicate_foreach with the same name
        Fix: Service_(includes|excludes) template recursion
        Fix: Service description with multi level inheritance 
        Fix: Default business rule notification options