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Changelog History
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  • v0.6 Changes

    May 03, 2011

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS * Add: discovery script and rule engine * Enh: lot of code clean from Gregory Starck, big Thanks :) * Add: manage several brokers by realm * Add: LiveStatus Wait commands * Add: Recevier daemon, for distributed realms in distant LAN * Add: passive poller for DMZ management * Add: (David Guenault) a way for people that install shinken lib in non standard place (like /opt) to get it working for python path. * Add: poller and reactionner modules * Add: nrpe poller module for tuning nrpe calls without having to 'forks' * Add: human_timestamp_log option so the log will output time as human readable format. * Add: make the local log rotate with the logging module, max keep file at 5. * Add: the crash catching in the log for all daemons * Add: enable by default local log, should be enable by default, and if the admin want it down, he can. * Add: (Eric Beaulieu) Windows installation script * Add: Thte configuration is read as UTF8 * Add: round robin dispatching way between the worker of a module for the satellites. * Add: set a check_interval to satellites, so we do not try every second to ping them, each a minute is quite enouth. * Add: sending USR1 do a memory dump of the daemon * Add: Manage Pyro4.2 and higer. * Add: manage no notification period for hosts and services * Add: print the sleep_time as a load average, so will smooth in one minute average, so is a good scheduler load indicator * Add: force LANG=us and UTF8 in init scripts. No sense admin can set another langage for system and hope for tools to work. * Add: print the latencies for scheduler in 95percentile way * Add: when a hook point failed set the module to restart, not to kill, even external ones * Add: support for multisite's double-requests (extcmd+query) to the livestatus module * Add: now the nagios.cmd named pipe reading is an external module * Add: statistics for the livestatus module (multisite needs it) * Add: retention modules for broker and arbiter * Add: reationner tag, like poller tag, but for reactionner * Add: (Denis GERMAIN) check_shinken plugin and interface in the arbiter to get data. * Add: (Rémi BUISSON) common init script for easy launch * Add: + in libexec. * Add: hot poller addition commands * Add: automatic VMware host-> VM dependencies modules, with VMotion support * Add: "Unknown phase", so limit useless notifications

    🛠 FIXES * Fix:the livestatus module so that multiple external commands in one request are possible. (thruk uses this for mass operations) * Fix:the livestatus, so that host_name and service_description are shown correctly for downtiems and comments. * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) for python2.7, if shell launch, do not go in shlex split pass. * Fix: catch an exception when deregistering Pyro. (When the scheduler was started as the only process and no communication happened * Fix: Add the path of the current script (ex: bin/shinken-arbiter) and ".." to the list of paths where Python looks for shinken modules. * Fix: default config had duplicate command name define: check_http * Fix: clean Command(s) now subclass Item(s) as any "shinken.objects" * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) if a hostgroup member got no host defined, create a dummy service for no host, so failed. * Fix: bad UTC hour for scheduler. * Fix: in a rare case, the picle need to call the init of notification before the get_state, but it will call it without args. * Fix: (reported by: Raynald de Lahondès) bad hostdep definition (link host) was badly detected. * Fix: utf8 management in the db class. * Fix: the * member was wrong in service calling hostgroup of this kind. * Fix: the schedule immediate check now work without having to force it. * Fix: correct the check launch under python2.7 with utf8 char. * Fix: (reported by: Denis GERMAIN) set by default retention update inverval to 60 minutes. * Fix: bad sys.path management for ndo module * Fix: too much loop in daemons! do_loop_tunr must WAIT a little! To managed in the main_loop part I think. * Fix: if the scheduler gotthe same conf but got a wait a new one before, it do a zombie scheduler then.... * Fix: (reported by: Hienz Michael) do not close local file in the daemon pass. * Fix: (Raynald de Lahondès) for bsd systems. * Fix: service without host will be just droped, like Nagios. * Fix: Nagios allow elements without contacts. Do alike. * Fix: add protection against adding again and again the same actions ifthe scheduler ask it, like for orphaned checks. * Fix: sys.path management, not far more clear and error proof * Fix: (reported by: capibaru) add a strip pass before loading cfg files. * Fix: raise only one log for orphaned instead of xK useless logs. * Fix: (Venelin Petkov) missing customs on services copy of a based one (multiple hosts, hostgroups, etc) * Fix: (reported by: Ronny Lindner) manage the not host expressions for services.

  • v0.5.1 Changes

    January 19, 2011

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS *Add: Business rules *Add: Downtime for contacts *Add: Escalations based on time, with notification period shorting capabilities *Add: options allowed_hosts and max_logs_age to the livestatus broker *Add: some rarely used operators to the livestatus module (!>=) *Add: SSL connections between daemons with certificates and a CA *Add: module exception/kill catch in the scheduler. *Add: use the binary format for the pickle, so it take less space. *Add: (Hartmut Goebel) use universal open way for conf reading. *Add: support for unix sockets to the livestatus module *Add: criticity value for host/services, with problem/impacts max criticity management *Add: min_criticity definition in cotnact and notificationways. *Add: pylint and coverage pass in the integration server *Add: the new column pnpgraph_present to the livestatus module *Add: now create the pickle retention file with a .tmp, so in case of problem, we do not lost the old one. *Add: event handlers command can now be send by external commands

    🛠 FIXES *Fix: (Laurent Guyon) select with no timeout in NSCA arbiter module. *Fix: shinken init script: enable use of another "default" shinken file than hardcoded one by env variable. *Fix: (current_service_groups needs to return an empty list instead of string) in the livestatus module *Fix: ' -h install' now also exit *Fix: () crash for some bad conf, should raise a message instead. *Fix: missing check for no args in 'shinken' init script *Fix: a bug in livestatus Servicegroup.members, minor cosmetics, test case for thruk *Fix: a bug in host.parents livestatus representation to make thruk happy *Fix: check for /dev/shm access for the satellites. *Clean: Redesign of the livestatus module *Fix: testing with multisite and thruk *Clean: factorized .is_correct() call for all object types & added log to see more clearly wherer the error is. *Clean: factorization/simplification of code in (and related) for spawning checks processes.+ clean of old deprecated commented code (& "related" too). *Fix: downtime and comment are now pickle in a dict, not a list. *Fix: pickle pass for look at tyype, so downtime and comment from 0.4 still ok. *Fix: acknoledge got too much information in the pickle pass, making the pickle save very very huge. Now fit from 100Mo to..2Mo :) *Clean: big clean of hasattr->getattr with default value *Clean: repalce dict for properties with real objects *Fix: Implement in_check_period/in_notification_period for livestatus to make multisite happy *Fix: Remove a leftover atribute from timeperiod&daterange *Fix: Transmit dateranges in timeperiod-full_status-broks *Fix: Replaced the deprecated StatsGroupBy, implemented Stats: for log entries, making Multisite happy with shinken-livestatus *Fix: manage the 'null' for inheritance. *Fix: add timeout to the status_dat module so that the status.dat is written even if no broks are sent. *Fix: escalations were offset of notif number by -1. *Fix: Replace Queue with an own implementation of LifoQueue for Python 2.4 (livestatus) *Fix: Fallback to sqlite 1.x for Python 2.4 (livestatus) *Fix: bug in the table structure where logging messages are kept (livestatus) *Fix: problem/impacts should be list, not string. *Fix: missing customs values in host/service tables in livestatus and Thruk was not happy. *Fix: is_impact/is_problem got bad format in lviestatus tables. *Fix: (Kristoffer Moegle) missing check in generic object configuration module. *Fix: a bug in livestatus. Catch the exception if a peer is not listening for the response *Fix: support for hosts without check_command (assumed to be always up) *Fix: hostgroup realm assoc was broken. Now it's tested. *Fix: (Maximilien Bersoult) fix mysql_db module search path. *Fix: bug in compensate time when thecore got event handler *Fix: a bug in the npcd module (spoolfile timestamp extension was float, not int) *Fix: windows registry paths. *Fix: problem with Nagios retention that was not happy about host properties type. *Fix: pickle/nagios retention was loading a retention host/service in the comment.ref link! *Fix: now only previously notified contacts are send for recovery notifications. *Fix: bug in NDO module for hostgroups *Fix: (0.5.1) bugs in LiveStatus module for Service get_full_name call and queries with no space after:

  • v0.4 Changes

    December 08, 2010

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS *Add: Service generators *Add: "Limit:" in livestatus *Add: the scheduler now save retention data before stop or take a new conf *Add: the broker clean quit the modules before quitting *Add: better output to know which external process for the broker is who in the log *Add: NodeSet lib use if available for the [X-Y] keys in service generators. *Add: retention modules, Memcache, Redis or simple file. *Add: lot of tests, even a end_to_end one for Ha and load balanced installations *Add: user can put what he want as MACRO in resources.cfg *Add: lot of log output, and clean a lot of others *Add: conf sample for PNP integration. *Add: (Nicolas Dupeux) add a NSCA server module for the Arbiter! (only XOR and none encryption from now) *Add: now the retention_update_interval parameter is managed. *Add: the! character before a host_name is now managed in the services. (even if host was defined in a hostgroup). And with test. *Add: perfdata command management for host/service *Add: manage modules in the Arbtier and in the schedulers *Add: nowthe whole documentation is done in the wiki *Add: obsess_over_host/service and executing oc*p_commands like eventhandlers *Add: "templates" and modes and more for service/host perf data module. *Add: now host with no address are fill with host_name for this value. *Add: timeperiod inheritance *Add: Allow "members *" in a hostgroup definition *Add: manage inherit_parents for dependencies. *Add: system time change catch for satellites. *Add: enable_environment_macros now create or not the env dict for checks *Add: O*HP command management

    🛠 FIXES *Fix: Some missing properties in the livestatus tables *Fix: Some missing properties in the NDO/Mysql export *Fix: parents property was not stripped(), and a error value was not catched as error *fix: missing some errors catch in contact definitions *Fix: Nagios allow contact_name to miss if there is an alias *Fix: Nagios allow a contact with no 'action' if his options are n/n *Fix: Resolv macro can loop forever with special output. Now limit it at 32 loop max! *Fix: the env_macros were enable if we use the tweaks, not good. And they are REALLY CPU killers. *Fix: LiveStatus: do not close the socket before we are sure the other peer send us nothing. If so, we can close it. *Fix: solve a case where config files do not end with a line return and will mix parameters. *Fix: broker spare not look at pollers/reactionners when he come active. *Fix: now the poller/reactionner REALLY raise broks to the broker (it was clear before...) *Fix: bug in the Broker that make in some cases broks lost for extarnal modules if they come from the arbiter. (like logs) *Fix: add a workaround to the livestatus module so it can handle requests from thruk 0.71.1 (which uses strange Stats: requests) *Fix: rename all 'binaries' without the .py extention so distrib will be happy. *Fix: livestatus work now with Python 2.4 *Fix: (Hermann Lauer) important bug in status.dat (and in fact all other 'external modules') that make the brok not manage in the good order in some case or Arbtier restart. Thanks a lot to Hermann Lauer that help me a LOT with all the debug logs! *Fix: (Zoran Zaric) big indentation cleanup *Fix: error handling in timeperiod inheritance *Fix: clean on the default configuration *Fix: manage additional_freshness_latency parameter with a test for check_freshness now. *Fix: can create a zip file (egg) for the librairy under Centos. It's not a good thing. It should avoid it *Fix: From Nicolas Dupeux: error in livestatus split. *Fix: From Nicolas Dupeux: fix typos in host code

  • v0.3 Changes

    October 06, 2010

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS *Add: complex hostgroup amtching with & ( ) |! *Add: resultmodulation code and tests *Add: brok information about problem/impacts *Add: livestatus export about problem/impacts *Add: clean quit on daemons (pid file and sub processes) *Add: maintenance_period parameter in hosts and services *Add: even more unit test cases *Add: now external commands raised in livestatus module are taken by the arbiter *Add: satellites states are now exported by livestatus *Add: arbiter module managment *Add: GLPI import arbiter module :) *Add: notificationways for contacts *Add: warning about unmanaged parameters *Add: log rotation and syslog managment

    🛠 FIXES *Fix: install crash is now catch with Pyro 4 in Centos (python 2.4) *Fix: host/service dep where not filled with default properties *Fix: catch realm configuration errors *Fix: but in status.dat about parents printing *Fix: problem with the Collums talbe in livestatus module *Fix: next valid time was one minute delay for cases with excludes *Fix: livestatus export in json was bad for service group members *Fix: bug in windows check launch *Clean: dispatcher code about useless options *Clean: tests cases setUp

  • v0.2 Changes

    September 06, 2010

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS *New code layout *Installation is easy with the process (first version from Maximilien Bersoult) *Now compatible with Pyro 3 AND 4 *Now compatible with Python 2.4 and 2.5 too *Add sticky acknowledgement. Non-permanent ack-comments are now automatically removed *Add host acknowledgement and acknowledgement stickiness *Finished service problem acknowledgement. one more testcase *Add REMOVE_HOST/SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT external command *Now broker get broks from pollers and reactionners. (Useful for Logs) *Give Broker a way to make broks :) (like for it's own log) *Add a problem/incident change states when apply. But it do not interfer with the standard check way of doing (or at least should not). *Add some LSB init.d scripts *Add max_plugins_output_length parameter to limit the checks output size. *"Hack" the old nagios parameters: now status_file and nagios_log are catched. If the user defined them, but do not defined the good broker modules, we create them "on the fly". I hope one day we will remove it... *Nested macros are managed (like USERN in ARGN macro). *Add a pass about changing Nagios2 properties to Nagios3 ones. *Add json outputformat to the livestatus module *Add a broker module npcdmod (plus test_npcdmod) which writes a perfdata file suitable for pnp4nagios *Add check_period implicitly inheritate to service from host. *Redesign of the notifications (far easier to understand than the old async way) *Notice about unused parameters and explain why it can be removed from conf. *Catch non standard return code in so we can add stderr to the output for such cases. *Now arbiter host_name property is not mandatory. But WARNING: for a multiple arbiter conf, it must be set. *Updated cfg documentation (Author: Luke L [email protected]) *Add documentation about date range format because it was not documented. *Update the nagios to shinken migration file *Change the way broks are send from Arbiter to Broker: before, the Broker connect to the Arbiter, take broks like for schedulers. But Arbiter also connect to broker. That's a nightmare about hangout. Now, Arbiter push the broks. It's far more easy and efficient. *Add template handling to servicedependencies *Add test_dependencies as the regression test *Less status_dat verbosity :) *Add a last_perf_data + macros to access last perfdatas as in *HUGE clean on shinken-specific.cfg file. *Add a README file *Add a little note about how migrate from Nagios to Shinken *Add a hint about how solve 'cannot find my own arbiter' error message. *Add bin directory with some bash scripts to launch/stop the whole application. *Relative path, now we can have a easy portable sample configuration. (Gerhard) *Add two missing operators in *Big clean up conf sample! *No more modulespath need in brokerd.ini. Will be easier for packagers. *Acknowledgement test cases *Add some hard tests about timeperiods calculations *Add a script for Hudson test (launch all tests) *Add a problem/impact test. *Now external modules can return objects (from now nobody use it, but it can be useful in the future) *Make easier to raise checks/notificatiosn from in deep objects class. *repository cosmetics (Luke L)

    🛠 FIXES *Fix: now merlin is correctly filled with update program value *Bug Fix: ndo do not have command_file, so do not export it. *Bug fix: retention load was loading not good tab (impacts ones) and so cause problem with remove (not the good object!) (nicolas.dupeux) *Fix a bug in ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM ext. command. Sticky can be 0/1/2, not bool *Bug fix in find_day_by_weekday_offset. *Bug Fix: when a date was calcl before teh ref time for a weekday it was not recalculated, so problem. *Bug Fix: error in get_end_of_day. It was given the first secon of the next day, so some exclude make problem with it. *Bug Fix: shell like commands where not good :(. Thanks to Gilles Seban for pointing it and to Hiren Patel for giving a list of shell caracters (so we know if we should use shell or not :) ) *Bug fix: external commands to send checks should work now *Bug fix: Arbiter do not more crash when scheduler is down and broker is up (not initialized make a missign parameter) *Bug Fix: cehck orphaned was badly status set. Thanks Pylint. *Bug fix: host in unreach were set DOWN un state, but unreach in state_id. Now it say clearly it's UNREACHABLE. *Bug: retention was loading services objects from retention file. It's not good at all. *Fix a and -> or bug in the dependancies *Fix a bug in livestatus. state_type is now a number instead of HARD/SOFT *Fix a bug in the livestatus module. Eventhandler command is now serializable *Fix a bug in execute_unix. If there is an exception during plugin execution, use it's string representation as plugin_output *Fix a bug in the livestatus module. Multiline input is now possible *Bug: patch from David GUÉNAULT about stopping all brokers *Correct launched/lanched type everywhere (Grégory Starck) *Fixed scheduler.add so that master notifications (without contact) don't create a status brok *Patch from Nicolas DUPEUX about typo correction in *Reduce CPU comsumption of livestatus broker (thanks flox for the patch) *Fix a bug in the npcdmod test case *Fix: configurations files can be mix if the previous do not finished with a line return (Sebastian Reimers) *Fix: Correct a bad default arbiter pid configuration (Sebastian Reimers) *Bug fix a missing save of about path in relative mode *Global external commands now create an update_program_status_brok instead of program_status_brok *Fix a bug in the status_dat_broker (incorrect servicegroup-definition in objects.cache) *Fix: add Gerhard in print screen :) *Bug Fix: add duplication check for elements (and groups). Only service is allowed to have duplicated (will Warning, but no error). *Bug Fix: patch from Nicolas Dupeux. Thruk socket shutdowns are now handled in an exception *Bux Fix (Sven Velt): patch about recursive dir load and check timeperiod typo *NO MORE nap in code, now all are shinken :)

  • v0.1 Changes

    May 31, 2010

    ✨ ENHANCEMENTS *Initial realease