StackStorm v2.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-02-27 // about 7 years ago
  • โž• Added

    * ๐Ÿ‘‰ Use the newly introduced CANCELLED state in mistral for workflow cancellation. Currently, st2
      put the workflow in a PAUSED state in mistral. (improvement)
    * โž• Add support for evaluating Jinja expressions in mistral workflow definition where yaql
      expressions are typically accepted. (improvement)
    * โšก๏ธ Update the dependencies and the code base so we now also support MongoDB 3.4. Officially
      supported MongoDB versions are now MongoDB 3.2 and 3.4. Currently default version installed by
      the installer script still is 3.2. (improvement)
    * Introduce validation of trigger parameters when creating a rule for non-system (user-defined)
      trigger types.
      Validation is only performed if ``system.validate_trigger_parameters`` config option is enabled
      (it's disabled by default) and if trigger object defines ``parameters_schema`` attribute.
      Contribution by Hiroyasu OHYAMA. #3094
    * ๐Ÿ›ฐ Introduce validation of trigger payload for non-system and user-defined triggers which is
      performed when dispatching a trigger inside a sensor and when sending a trigger via custom
      Validation is only performed if ``system.validate_trigger_payload`` config option is enabled
      (it's disabled by default) and if trigger object defines ``payload_schema`` attribute.
      Contribution by Hiroyasu OHYAMA. #3094
    * โž• Add support for ``st2 login`` and ``st2 whoami`` commands. These add some additional functionality
      beyond the existing ``st2 auth`` command and actually works with the local configuration so that
      users do not have to.
    * โž• Add support for complex rendering inside of array and object types. This allows the user to
      nest Jinja variables in array and object types.
    * โž• Add new ``-j`` flag to the ``st2-run-pack-tests`` script. When this flag is specified script will
      just try to run the tests and it won't set up the virtual environment and install the
      dependencies. This flag can be used when virtual environment for pack tests already exists and
      when you know dependencies are already installed and up to date. (new feature)
    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed
    • โšก๏ธ Mistral fork is updated to match the master branch at OpenStack Mistral. (improvement)
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ Update Python runner to throw a more user-friendly exception in case action metadata file references a script file which doesn't exist or which contains invalid syntax. (improvement)
    • โšก๏ธ Update st2auth service so it includes more context and throws a more user-friendly exception when retrieving an auth backend instance fails. This makes it easier to debug and spot various auth backend issues related to typos, misconfiguration and similar. (improvement)
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ Let querier plugin decide whether to delete state object on error. Mistral querier will delete state object on workflow completion or when the workflow or task references no longer exists. (improvement)`

    โœ‚ Removed

    * ``{{user.}}`` and ``{{system.}}`` notations to access user and system
      scoped items from datastore are now unsupported. Use  ``{{st2kv.user.}}``
      and ``{{st2kv.system.}}`` instead. Please update all your content (actions, rules and
      workflows) to use the new notation. (improvement)
    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix returning a tuple from the Python runner so it also works correctly, even if action returns
      a complex type (e.g. Python class instance) as a result. (bug fix)
      Reported by skjbulcher #3133
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix a bug with ```` action and as such as ``pack install`` command not working with
      git repositories which used a default branch which was not ``master``. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix a bug with not being able to apply some global permission types (permissions which are global
      and not specific to a resource) such as pack install, pack remove, pack search, etc. to a role
      using ``st2-apply-rbac-definitions``. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix ``/v1/packs/views/files/<pack ref or id>`` and
      ``/v1/packs/views/file/<pack ref or id>/<file path>`` API endpoint so it
      works correctly for packs where pack name is not equal to the pack ref. (bug fix)
      Reported by skjbulcher #3128
    * ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improve binary file detection and fix "pack files" API controller so it works correctly for
      new-style packs which are also git repositories. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix cancellation specified in concurrency policies to cancel actions appropriately. Previously,
      mistral workflow is orphaned and left in a running state. (bug fix)
    * If a retry policy is defined, action executions under the context of a workflow will not be
      retried on timeout or failure. Previously, action execution will be retried but workflow is
      terminated. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix how mistral client and resource managers are being used in the mistral runner. Authentication
      has changed in the mistral client. Fix unit test accordingly. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix issue where passing a single integer member for an array parameter for an action would
      cause a type mismatch in the API (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix ``--config-file`` st2 CLI argument not correctly expanding the provided path if the path
      contained a reference to the user home directory (``~``, e.g. ``~/.st2/config.ini``) (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix action alias update API endpoint. (bug fix)
    * ๐Ÿ›  Fix a bug with ``--api-token`` / ``-t`` and other CLI option values not getting correctly
      propagated to all the API calls issued in the ``st2 pack install``, ``st2 pack remove`` and
      ``st2 pack config`` commands. (bug fix)