
Nginx, a free, open-source, high-performance web server and reverse proxy, has become a cornerstone of modern web applications. Its versatility, efficiency, and ability to handle high-traffic loads make it a popular choice among developers and organizations alike. In this post, you are going to learn how to use Niginx with Docker and Docker Compose with a simple example and another example that is closer to a real-life scenario, let’s get started!
Docker Compose is a powerful tool that allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications. One of the key features of Docker Compose is the depends_on option, which allows you to specify dependencies between services. In this beginner's guide, you will explore how to use depends_on effectively, ensuring your services start up in the correct order and function seamlessly. Let’s get started!!
Docker Compose is a powerful tool for orchestrating multi-container applications. It allows software engineers to define and manage environment variables seamlessly. In the realm of modern software development and containerization, environment variables play a pivotal role in configuring applications and services. Let's get going!
Git is the most popular distributed version control system. It is very powerful and valuable too. Git Rebase is done when the main (master) branch has moved ahead and you need to apply the changes from the main branch to your branch while maintaining the history. In this post, you will learn how to undo a git-rebase. Let’s get started!
Elasticsearch is one of the most popular open-source software to store, search and analyze large amounts of data with very fast response times. If you're venturing into the world of Elasticsearch, you may have heard about Docker and Docker Compose as convenient ways to manage and deploy your applications. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the process of running Elasticsearch using these powerful containerization tools. Let's get started!
Serverless containers are one of the easiest and most useful ways to run your applications in the cloud with minimal effort. On top of being simple and quick to get started, serverless containers are affordable and you can use any language/framework. In this post, you will learn about serverless containers (not serverless vs containers) and the 3 services that run them, let’s get started!
MongoDB is an open-source document database that is designed to scale and provide high availability. In this guide, you will learn how to run MongoDB with Docker and Docker Compose. Let's get going!
Docker packages software applications into containers making them easy to build, test, and ship (deploy). In this post we will look into some useful docker commands you should know about with real-life examples. Let’s get rolling!
I have used a variety of software deployment tools in the last 20 years. From FTP to deploying Docker containers on Kubernetes using a chatbot, I think I have seen the most of it. In this post, I will take you on a journey of web software deployment tools from 2001 to 2021, let’s get started!
Kubernetes is super effective on running cron jobs as well as other web application workloads. Kubernetes cron job is a special kind of Kubernetes job that runs on a time-based schedule. In this post, we will focus on how to run optimally configured cron jobs on Kubernetes.
Software resilience is a must-have quality for fault-tolerant software. Read this 2000+ word post to know more about the major factors to build resilient software systems.
Software scalability is an interesting issue to have. Read this 2500+ post to know dev and ops aspects to focus on to achieve scalable software.