
A couple of days ago AWS announced the Community Builders program that anyone can try to join now. I'm proud to be a part of it already and happy to share with you my impressions.
In this video I highlight a few interesting updates happened in AWS in the last weeks. Among them are:
- AWS ServiceLense;
- ECR Image vulnerability scanning;
- Improved EC2 instance types comparison.
I came to cloud infrastructure engineering role from product teams of full-stack and backend development and I've noticed that one thing I miss here. In the article, you can find more about the issue and how I overcame it.
The article may be useful for those who either heard about these concepts but never worked with them or worked but never dived deep enough to understand the history and internals. This article reveals some of those.
Recently I published few posts about how to start using lambdas with integration to an API Gateway. In this post, I'll show how to do the same but leveraging Terraform instead of AWS Management Console.
Yet another article about how to start doing serverless development. With screenshots and emojis!