
The "flasher" function is just a small command which flashes your screen until you press any key. It is usually put at the end of a long running process in order to indicate that the job is finished.
I don't know about you but each time I want to delete a remote branch in Git, I always end up looking online. Here is a function which will delete any branch, remote or local, with the same syntax.
You probably already know a few ways to transform variables inherited from Bash. If not, you should check them out because they are really useful. They allow you to get a substring, substitute a word for another, etc. Here are a few variable modifiers for handling paths.
Essentially, jobs are processes which you started from your terminal session. You see all processes with the ps command, but processes which you started from one terminal session are also in your jobs and the shell has built-in functions to operate on them and improve your workflow.