Atom v1.43.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-01-14 // over 4 years ago
  • Notable Changes

    • #20041 - Improve PHP syntax highlighting for ternary operator, ereg functions, and comments within closures.
    • #20122 - Improve PHP syntax highlighting for functions returning references, return types.
    • #20088 - Improve SCSS syntax highlighting, by recognizing '-' as part of a class selector in an @extend statement.
    • #20099 - Fix find and replace crashes when a tab is not an editor.
    • #19832 - Fix an issue that prevented directories created by git worktree from being recognized as git repositories.
    • πŸ‘ #20134 - Improve CSS syntax highlighting by supporting grid properties (e.g row-gap, place-items, place-self and place-content).
    • πŸ—„ #20142 - Improve CSS syntax highlighting by preventing deprecated CSS properties from being highlighted as errors.
    • πŸ‘ #20156 - Add support for Javascript forEach snippet.
    • πŸ‘ #20173 - Add support for Javascript syntax highlighting for BigInt numeric.
    • ⚑️ #20196 - Update legacy TextMate grammars to match microsoft/vscode@e6abf47.
    • 🚚 atom/github#2324: Removed the non-functional "jump to file" context menu option when viewing past commits.
    • atom/github#2308: Explicitly display and choose the active git working directory in the Git and GitHub tabs.
    • 🏁 atom/github#2305: Fix a crash when viewing review comments on Windows.
    • atom/github#2297: Avoid stalls due to data buffering by using TCP sockets instead of UNIX domain sockets for git dialog communications.
    • atom/github#2222: Create and publish GitHub repositories with the github:create-repository and github:publish-repository commands.
    • 🌲 atom/github#2270: Copy the commit SHA and subject to the clipboard from the context menu on the mini-log. All Changes Atom Core v1.42.0...v1.43.0 atom/atom#20041 - ⬆️ [email protected] πŸ“¦ atom/atom#20044 - Fix language-typescript version in package.json ⚑️ atom/atom#20061 - Update tree-sitter to 0.15.13 atom/atom#20088 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#20096 - ⬆️[email protected] atom/atom#20099 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19832 - Recognize git worktree directories as valid git repositories atom/atom#20115 - Bump Tree-sitter to 0.15.14 atom/atom#20122 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#20134 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#20124 - ⬆️ [email protected] πŸ›  atom/atom#20098 - Fixed unable to copy selected text from spec-suite window atom/atom#20142 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#20149 - ⬆️ [email protected] [email protected] atom/atom#20156 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#20157 - ⬆️[email protected] atom/atom#20173 - ⬆️ [email protected] [email protected] atom/atom#20196 - ⬆️ [email protected] & [email protected] bracket-matcher v0.91.1...v0.91.2 atom/bracket-matcher#387 - Use Xenial on Travis find-and-replace v0.219.0...v0.219.1 atom/find-and-replace#1100 - Don’t crash when using find view in tab that’s not an editor fuzzy-finder v1.14.0...v1.14.1 atom/fuzzy-finder#406 - Consume STDERR from ripgrep to allow indexing process to complete atom/fuzzy-finder#408 - ⬆️@atom/[email protected] github v0.31.0-2...v0.31.1-2 atom/github#2261 - Bump graphql from 14.4.2 to 14.5.3 πŸ‘• atom/github#2262 - Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 atom/github#2263 - Bump graphql from 14.5.3 to 14.5.4 atom/github#2269 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.5.5 to 7.6.0 atom/github#2270 - Make it easier to copy the commit SHA and subject atom/github#2277 - Bump sinon from 7.4.1 to 7.5.0 atom/github#2279 - Bump @babel/generator from 7.5.5 to 7.6.2 πŸ”Œ atom/github#2278 - Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.5.5 to 7.6.2 ⬆️ atom/github#2289 - Actions upgrade atom/github#2291 - Bump cross-env from 5.2.0 to 6.0.2 atom/github#2222 - Create and publish dialog 🏁 atom/github#2297 - Use TCP sockets on Windows atom/github#2305 - Normalize comment path βœ… atom/github#2311 - Use JavaScript scripts for npm test tasks atom/github#2300 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.6.0 to 7.6.3 atom/github#2312 - Push using GITHUB_ACTOR and GITHUB_TOKEN ⚑️ atom/github#2314 - GraphQL schema update πŸ“¦ atom/github#2315 - Fix GitHub Package Tests ⚑️ atom/github#2322 - GraphQL schema update atom/github#2308 - Project Management 🚚 atom/github#2324 - Removed jump to file from options when viewing past commits open-on-github v1.3.1...v1.3.2 πŸ”§ atom/open-on-github#109 - Add Probot no-response configuration πŸ”§ atom/open-on-github#110 - πŸ€– Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an issue atom/open-on-github#111 - Get target from command target language-css v0.44.0...v0.44.2 atom/language-css#161 - Fix #160 πŸ‘ atom/language-css#166 - Add grid properties that were not being recognized as supported πŸ—„ atom/language-css#165 - Fix #163 by not marking media properties as invalid.deprecated language-javascript v0.133.0...v0.134.0 atom/language-javascript#631 - Fix for...of autocomplete, variable declaration atom/language-javascript#664 - Add a 'forEach' snippet πŸ‘ atom/language-javascript#588 - Add support for BigInt numeric language-php v0.44.2...v0.44.4 πŸ›  atom/language-php#369 - Fixes for small issues: ternary, ereg, comments w/ closures atom/language-php#368 - Fix functions returning references and return type declarations language-sass v0.62.0...v0.62.1 πŸ”§ atom/language-sass#258 - Add Probot no-response configuration πŸ”§ atom/language-sass#259 - πŸ€– Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an issue atom/language-sass#273 - Tokenize - as a selector language-typescript v0.5.2...v0.6.0 ⚑️ atom/language-typescript#41 - Update snippets to cson format ⚑️ atom/language-typescript#43 - update TextMate grammars