Docker Compose v1.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-11-03 // over 8 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking changes:

    👍 With the introduction of variable substitution support in the Compose file, any Compose file that uses an environment variable ($VAR or ${VAR}) in the command: or entrypoint: field will break.

    Previously these values were interpolated inside the container, with a value from the container environment. In Compose 1.5.0, the values will be interpolated on the host, with a value from the host environment.

    To migrate a Compose file to 1.5.0, escape the variables with an extra $ 👀 (ex: $$VAR or $${VAR}). See 🐳

    Major features:

    🆕 New features:

    • You can now optionally pass a mode to volumes_from, e.g. volumes_from: ["servicename:ro"].

    • 🐳 Since Docker now lets you create volumes with names, you can refer to those volumes by name in docker-compose.yml. For example, volumes: ["mydatavolume:/data"] will mount the volume named mydatavolume at the path /data inside the container.

      If the first component of an entry in volumes starts with a ., / or ~, it is treated as a path and expansion of relative paths is performed as necessary. Otherwise, it is treated as a volume name and passed straight through to Docker.

      Read more on named volumes and volume drivers here:

    • 🏗 docker-compose build --pull instructs Compose to pull the base image for each Dockerfile before building.

    • 🐳 docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures instructs Compose to continue if it fails to pull a single service's image, rather than aborting.

    • 🐳 You can now specify an IPC namespace in docker-compose.yml with the ipc option.

    • 🐳 Containers created by docker-compose run can now be named with the --name flag.

    • If you install Compose with pip or use it as a library, it now works with Python 3.

    • 👍 image now supports image digests (in addition to ids and tags), e.g. image: "busybox@sha256:38a203e1986cf79639cfb9b2e1d6e773de84002feea2d4eb006b52004ee8502d"

    • 👍 ports now supports ranges of ports, e.g.

        - "3000-3005"
        - "9000-9001:8000-8001"
    • 🐳 docker-compose run now supports a -p|--publish parameter, much like docker run -p, for publishing specific ports to the host.

    • 🐳 docker-compose pause and docker-compose unpause have been implemented, analogous to docker pause and docker unpause.

    • 🔧 When using extends to copy configuration from another service in the same Compose file, you can omit the file option.

    • 🐳 Compose can be installed and run as a Docker image. This is an experimental feature.

    🐛 Bug fixes:

    • 🐳 All values for the log_driver option which are supported by the Docker daemon are now supported by Compose.

    • 🏗 docker-compose build can now be run successfully against a Swarm cluster.