parallel-ssh v2.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-12-04 // over 3 years ago
  • 🔄 Changes

    • SSHClient now starts buffering output from remote host, both standard output and standard error, when a command is run.
    • SSHClient.read_output, SSHClient.read_stderr and iterating on stdout/stderr from HostOutput now read from the internal buffer rather than the SSH channel directly.
    • ParallelSSHClient.join no longer requires consume_output to be set in order to get exit codes without first reading output.
    • 0️⃣ ParallelSSHClient.join with timeout no longer consumes output by default. It is now possible to use join with a timeout and capture output after join completes.
    • ParallelSSHClient.reset_output_generators is now a no-op and no longer required to be called after timeouts.
    • HostOutput.stdout and stderr are now dynamic properties.
    • 👀 Added HostOutput.read_timeout attribute. Can be used to see what read timeout was when run_command was called and to change timeout when next reading from HostOutput.stdout and stderr.
    • ➕ Added HostOutput.encoding attribute for encoding used when run_command was called. Encoding can now be changed for when next reading output.
    • ParallelSSHClient.join with timeout no longer affects stdout or stderr read timeout set when run_command was called.
    • LibSSH clients under pssh.clients.ssh now allow output to be read as it becomes available without waiting for remote command to finish first.
    • Reading from output behaviour is now consistent across all client types - parallel and single clients under both pssh.clients.native and pssh.clients.ssh.
    • 0️⃣ ParallelSSHClient.join can now be called without arguments and defaults to last ran commands.
    • 0️⃣ ParallelSSHClient.finished can now be called without arguments and defaults to last ran commands.

    This is now possible:

       output = client.run_command(<..>)
       assert output[0].exit_code is not None

    As is this:

       client.run_command(<..>, timeout=1)
       client.join(output, timeout=1)
       for line in output[0].stdout:

    ⏱ Output can be read after and has separate timeout from join.

    📚 See documentation for more examples on use of timeouts.