Pomerium v0.4.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-10-18 // over 4 years ago
  • v0.4.1

    ⬆️ UPGRADING FROM 0.4.0

    💥 Breaking

    Previously, routes were verified by taking the downstream applications hostname in the form of a path (e.g. ${fwdauth}/.pomerium/verify/httpbin.some.example) variable. The new method for verifying a route using forward authentication is to pass the entire requested url in the form of a query string (e.g. ${fwdauth}/.pomerium/verify?url=https://httpbin.some.example) where the routed domain is the value of the uri key.

    Note that the verification URL is no longer nested under the .pomerium endpoint.

    For example, in nginx this would look like:

    - nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-url: https://fwdauth.corp.example.com/.pomerium/verify/httpbin.corp.example.com?no\_redirect=true- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-signin: https://fwdauth.corp.example.com/.pomerium/verify/httpbin.corp.example.com+ nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-url: https://fwdauth.corp.example.com/verify?uri=$scheme://$host$request\_uri+ nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-signin: https://fwdauth.corp.example.com?uri=$scheme://$host$request\_uri

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where requests handled by forward-auth would not be redirected back to the underlying route after successful authentication and authorization. [GH-363]
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where requests handled by forward-auth would add an extraneous query-param following sign-in causing issues in some configurations. [GH-366]