Sidekiq v2.0.0 Release Notes


    You can now use perform_at and perform_in to schedule jobs to run at arbitrary points in the future, like so:

      SomeWorker.perform_in(5.days, 'bob', 13)
      SomeWorker.perform_at(5.days.from_now, 'bob', 13)

    It also works with the delay extensions:


    ๐Ÿ‘ท The time is approximately when the job will be placed on the queue; it is not guaranteed to run at precisely at that moment in time.

    ๐Ÿ‘ท This functionality is meant for one-off, arbitrary jobs. I still recommend whenever or clockwork if you want cron-like, โฑ recurring jobs. See examples/scheduling.rb

    โฑ I want to specially thank @yabawock for his work on sidekiq-scheduler. His extension for Sidekiq 1.x filled an obvious functional gap that I now think is ๐Ÿ‘‰ useful enough to implement in Sidekiq proper.

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed issues due to Redis 3.x API changes. Sidekiq now requires the Redis 3.x client.
    • โœ… Inline testing now round trips arguments through JSON to catch serialization issues (betelgeuse)