Sidekiq v4.2.0 Release Notes

    • 🚅 Enable development-mode code reloading. With Rails 5.0+, you don't need to restart Sidekiq to pick up your Sidekiq::Worker changes anymore! [#2457]
    • Remove Sinatra dependency. Sidekiq's Web UI now uses Rack directly. Thank you to Sidekiq's newest committer, badosu, for writing the code and doing a lot of testing to ensure compatibility with many different 3rd party plugins. If your Web UI works with 4.1.4 but fails with 4.2.0, please open an issue. [#3075]
    • Allow tuning of concurrency with the RAILS_MAX_THREADS env var. [#2985] This is the same var used by Puma so you can tune all of your systems the same way: sh web: RAILS_MAX_THREADS=5 bundle exec puma ... worker: RAILS_MAX_THREADS=10 bundle exec sidekiq ... Using -c or config/sidekiq.yml overrides this setting. I recommend adjusting your config/database.yml to use it too so connections are auto-scaled: yaml pool: <%= ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5 %>