Sidekiq v5.0.0 Release Notes

    • 💥 BREAKING CHANGE Job dispatch was refactored for safer integration with Rails 5. The Logging and RetryJobs server middleware were removed and functionality integrated directly into Sidekiq::Processor. These aren't commonly used public APIs so this shouldn't impact most users. Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs -> Sidekiq::JobRetry Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::Logging -> Sidekiq::JobLogger
    • 🚦 Quieting Sidekiq is now done via the TSTP signal, the USR1 signal is deprecated.
    • 0️⃣ The delay extension APIs are no longer available by default, you must opt into them.
    • 💻 The Web UI is now BiDi and can render RTL languages like Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew.
    • 💎 Rails 3.2 and Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 are no longer supported.
    • 👷 The SomeWorker.set(options) API was re-written to avoid thread-local state. [#2152]
    • 👷 Sidekiq Enterprise's encrypted jobs now display "[encrypted data]" in the Web UI instead of random hex bytes.
    • ⬆️ Please see the [5.0 Upgrade notes](docs/ for more detail.