Vagrant v1.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-03-14 // about 11 years ago

    • Vagrantfiles from 1.0.x that do not use any plugins are fully backwards compatible. If plugins are used, they must be removed prior to upgrading. The new plugin system in place will avoid this issue in the future.
    • Lots of changes introduced in the form of a new configuration version and format, but this is opt-in. Old Vagrantfile format continues to be supported, as promised. To use the new features that will be introduced throughout the 1.x series, you'll have to upgrade at some point.
    • The .vagrant file is no longer supported and has been replaced by a .vagrant directory. Running vagrant will automatically upgrade to the new style directory format, after which old versions of Vagrant will not be able to see or control your VM.

    ๐Ÿ”‹ FEATURES:

    • Groundwork for providers, alternate backends for Vagrant that allow Vagrant to power systems other than VirtualBox. Much improvement and change will come to this throughout the 1.x lifecycle. The API will continue to change, features will be added, and more. Specifically, a revamped system for handling shared folders gracefully across providers will be introduced in a future release.
    • New plugin system which adds much more structure and stability to the overall API. The goal of this system is to make it easier to write powerful plugins for Vagrant while providing a backwards-compatible API so that plugins will always load (though they will almost certainly not be functional in future versions of Vagrant).
    • Plugins are now installed and managed using the vagrant plugin interface.
    • Allow "file://" URLs for box URLs. [GH-1087]
    • Emit "vagrant-mount" upstart event when NFS shares are mounted. [GH-1118]
    • Add a VirtualBox provider config auto_nat_dns_proxy which when set to false will not attempt to automatically manage NAT DNS proxy settings with VirtualBox. [GH-1313]
    • vagrant provision accepts the --provision-with flag [GH-1167]
    • Set the name of VirtualBox machines with in the VirtualBox provider config. [GH-1126]
    • vagrant ssh will execute an ssh binary on Windows if it is on your PATH. [GH-933]
    • The environmental variable VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE can be used to specify an alternate Vagrantfile filename.


    • Vagrant works much better in Cygwin environments on Windows by properly resolving Cygwin paths. [GH-1366]
    • Improve the SSH "ready?" check by more gracefully handling timeouts. [GH-841]
    • Human friendly error if connection times out for HTTP downloads. [GH-849]
    • Detect when the VirtualBox installation is incomplete and error. [GH-846]
    • Detect when kernel modules for VirtualBox need to be installed on Gentoo systems and report a user-friendly error. [GH-710]
    • All vagrant commands that can take a target VM name can take one even if you're not in a multi-VM environment. [GH-894]
    • Hostname is set before networks are setup to avoid very slow sudo speeds on CentOS. [GH-922]
    • now includes the flags to pass to it, such as -l [GH-917]
    • The check for whether a port is open or not is more complete by catching ENETUNREACH errors. [GH-948]
    • SSH uses LogLevel FATAL so that errors are still shown.
    • Sending a SIGINT (Ctrl-C) very early on when executing vagrant no longer results in an ugly stack trace.
    • Chef JSON configuration output is now pretty-printed to be human readable. [GH-1146] that SSHing succeeds when booting a machine.
    • VMs in the "guru meditation" state can be destroyed now using vagrant destroy.
    • Fix issue where changing SSH key permissions didn't properly work. [GH-911]
    • Fix issue where Vagrant didn't properly detect VBoxManage on Windows if VBOX_INSTALL_PATH contained multiple paths. [GH-885]
    • Fix typo in setting host name for Gentoo guests. [GH-931]
    • Files that are included with vagrant package --include now properly preserve file attributes on earlier versions of Ruby. [GH-951]
    • Multiple interfaces now work with Arch linux guests. [GH-957]
    • Fix issue where subprocess execution would always spin CPU of Ruby process to 100%. [GH-832]
    • Fix issue where shell provisioner would sometimes never end. [GH-968]
    • Fix issue where puppet would reorder module paths. [GH-964]
    • When console input is asked for (destroying a VM, bridged interfaces, etc.), keystrokes such as ctrl-D and ctrl-C are more gracefully handled. [GH-1017]
    • Fixed bug where port check would use "localhost" on systems where "localhost" is not available. [GH-1057]
    • Add missing translation for "saving" state on VirtualBox. [GH-1110]
    • Proper error message if the remote end unexpectedly resets the connection while downloading a box over HTTP. [GH-1090]
    • Human-friendly error is raised if there are permission issues when using SCP to upload files. [GH-924]
    • Box adding doesn't use /tmp anymore which can avoid some cross-device copy issues. [GH-1199]
    • Vagrant works properly in folders with strange characters. [GH-1223]
    • Vagrant properly handles "paused" VirtualBox machines. [GH-1184]
    • Better behavior around permissions issues when copying insecure private key. [GH-580]