Vagrant v1.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-04-16 // about 11 years ago

    • WINDOWS USERS: Vagrant now defaults to using the 'USERPROFILE' environmental variable for the home directory if it is set. This means that the default location for the Vagrant home directory is now %USERPROFILE%/.vagrant.d. On Cygwin, this will cause existing Cygwin users to "lose" their boxes. To work around this, either set VAGRANT_HOME to your Cygwin ".vagrant.d" folder or move your ".vagrant.d" folder to USERPROFILE. The latter is recommended for long-term support.
    • The constant Vagrant::Environment::VAGRANT_HOME was removed in favor of Vagrant::Environment#default_vagrant_home.


    • Providers can now parallelize! If they explicitly support it, Vagrant will run "up" and other commands in parallel. For providers such AWS, this means that your instances will come up in parallel. VirtualBox does not support this mode.
    • Box downloads are now done via curl rather than Ruby's built-in HTTP library. This results in massive speedups, support for SSL verification, FTP downloads, and more.
    • config.vm.provider now takes an optional second parameter to the block, allowing you to override any configuration value. These overrides are applied last, and therefore override any other configuration value. Note that while this feature is available, the "Vagrant way" is instead to use box manifests to ensure that the "box" for every provider matches, so these sorts of overrides are unnecessary.
    • A new "guest capabilities" system to replace the old "guest" system. This new abstraction allows plugins to define "capabilities" that certain guest operating systems can implement. This allows greater flexibility in doing guest-specific behavior.
    • Ansible provisioner support. [GH-1465]
    • Providers can now support multiple box formats by specifying the box_format: option.
    • CFEngine provisioner support.
    • config.ssh.default settings introduced to set SSH defaults that providers can still override. [GH-1479]


    • Full Windows support in cmd.exe, PowerShell, Cygwin, and MingW based environments.
    • By adding the "disabled" boolean flag to synced folders you can disable them altogether. [GH-1004]
    • Specify the default provider with the VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER environmental variable. [GH-1478]
    • Invalid settings are now caught and shown in a user-friendly way. [GH-1484]
    • Detect PuTTY Link SSH client on Windows and show an error. [GH-1518]
    • vagrant ssh in Cygwin won't output DOS path file warnings.
    • Add --rtcuseutc on as a sane default for VirtualBox. [GH-912]
    • SSH will send keep-alive packets every 5 seconds by default to keep connections alive. Can be disabled with config.ssh.keep_alive. [GH-516]
    • Show a message on vagrant up if the machine is already running. [GH-1558]
    • "Running provisioner" output now shoes the provisioner shortcut name, rather than the less-than-helpful class name.
    • Shared folders with the same guest path will overwrite each other. No more shared folder IDs.
    • Shell provisioner outputs script it is running. [GH-1568]
    • Automatically merge forwarded ports that share the same host port.

    🐛 BUG FIXES:

    • The :mac option for host-only networks is respected. [GH-1536]
    • Don't preserve modified time when untarring boxes. [GH-1539]
    • Forwarded port auto-correct will not auto-correct to a port that is also in use.
    • Cygwin will always output color by default. Specify --no-color to override this.
    • Assume Cygwin has a TTY for asking for input. [GH-1430]
    • Expand Cygwin paths to Windows paths for calls to VBoxManage and for VirtualBox shared folders.
    • Output the proper clear line text for shells in Cygwin when reporting dynamic progress.
    • When using Builder instances for hooks, the builders will be merged for the proper before/after chain. [GH-1555]
    • Use the Vagrant temporary directory again for temporary files since they can be quite large and were messing with tmpfs. [GH-1442]
    • Fix issue parsing extra SSH args in vagrant ssh in multi-machine environments. [GH-1545]
    • Networks come back up properly on RedHat systems after reboot. [GH-921]
    • config.ssh settings override all detected SSH settings (regression). [GH-1479]
    • ssh-config won't raise an exception if the VirtualBox machine is not created. [GH-1562]
    • Multiple machines defined in the same Vagrantfile with the same name will properly merge.
    • More robust hostname checking for RedHat. [GH-1566]
    • Cookbook path existence for Chef is no longer an error, so that things like librarian and berkshelf plugins work properly. [GH-1570]
    • Chef solo provisioner uses proper SSH username instead of hardcoded config. [GH-1576]
    • Shell provisioner takes ownership of uploaded files properly so that they can also be manually executed later. [GH-1576]